Monday, January 14, 2013

moving and our new place!

 we are officially colorado-ians?  we packed up our place the day after christmas (all in one day, i might add)  and moved our stuff into the truck and cleaned the apt the next day..  then on the 28th we drove!  usually its an 8 hour drive, but with a truck and snow, it took us 11.  we were so happy that we were able to have all the help that we did though!  dad drove the truck, and when we got there at 8pm that night we had help from our new ward members at church to unload.

 it was sooo cold in our house.. it was 9 degrees outside as we were unloading, and inside the heater was blasting all night, just to find out the next morning that it had been blowing cold air.  luckily we had a space heater and were able to fix it the next afternoon.
 and now we have been here for 2 weeks and have everything in its place.. this is our hallway with a door to our patio.

 our kitchen with the laundry room and pantry through the door to the right
 our living room

 an actual entry!  and our apt came with a garage and 2 storage sheds that we have filled with junk that we usually throw in our closets.. but not here!  i realized as i was hanging coats up that this is the first time in our marriage that we have actually used a coat closet for coats!
 wellingtons room

and our room.. i didnt realize how small the pictures came out with the 360 view.. but im too lazy to take different pictures.  sorry!  haha.

we are excited to be in our new place!  i am having so much fun being a stay at home mom and adam is really enjoying his new job.  he is tired from all the physical labor but ill speak for him to let you all know that he is happy that he has lost 6 pounds!  (i have NOOO clue why he thinks he needs to lose weight, the whopping 160 he got up to made me look normal beside him).

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