Friday, January 11, 2013


 We LOVE christmas!  we have random traditions that are always best explained by just being there.. one of Adams favorite things is to turn the lights off and watch this thing spin.. his grandma has this huge one and would always make hot chocolate and they would just lay on the floor and watch the lights flutter on the ceiling.  this year wellington got a kick out of it.  he kept saying baaa when the sheep pasted every time, and would clap.
 we also have another tradition- special night where we eat what they would have had back in the day (with a few alterations- fig newtons instead of figs, "unleavened bread" as crackers) and talk about/read about the birth of christ.  its special because you turn all the lights off and dont use electricity for the rest of the night and go to bed by candle light. (now that im writing about it, our family must like candles and being in the dark).

 one of my favorite things around christmas (after putting wells to bed) is to just sit and cuddle by the christmas tree and talk.  i love that all of our random traditions are about just being together, enjoying each others company and just slowing down to think about the real meaning of christmas.
 then there was christmas morning... i was most excited about this year because wellington can actually open presents and gets excited beyond belief.  i told adam that we wouldnt wake up at 5am like we usually do- that we'd just wake up when wellington did.. which was 5:45.  i went in and was going to put him back to bed and adam was like- its time for presents!!
 this year we wrapped everything out of its packages- it was more fun that way!

 ... and confession, we didnt take any pictures of us!  haha.. we were too excited about wellingtons gift.
 later that morning we went over to norm and kathleens.. and this was the highlight of christmas for me.. seeing how much little bella LOVES her kitten!!!  she was so cute all day, explaining that her name is cutie and that when she meows she just wants her.
 we already miss these kids sooo much!!!  being able to see them and listen to all the funny things they say and do makes me more sure that i want a whole bunch of kids myself!
 once again, she was seriously hilarious.  this was the hour the cat was put in a room while we were opening presents.  bella was singing/talking to her little cutie.

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