Monday, December 3, 2012


 as most of you know already we went out to colorado for thanksgiving!  instead of spending the holiday with family, we spent it with some friends.. well strangers, that are now friends.  haha... our old neighbors are from colorado and they were nice enough to let us hang out at their parents place with them for thanksgiving while we looked for a place to live for next month! these are all just random pictures from our trip... we had fun eating junk food on the drive over..

did some black friday shopping..
 visited erin and our cute nieces and nephews

 they are so funny
 got to witness freaks wearing onesies..

 went out to eat

 and did a little more shopping

 wellington fell in love with the people we stayed with
 and im happy to say that we found a town home to rent for the end of december!  i have been really stressed out about it, you know, the whole moving to a new state and not knowing what to expect thing!  haha.. and now that we know that we have a place to live, and a job for adam, i am feeling better.. but one thing is making me a little sad still..
 knowing that ill have to say goodbye to all of these crazy girls at my work.
we went to our work christmas party last week and thats when it hit me.. im leaving.. we are leaving!  we have loved living in utah for the past 4 1/2 years and have made so many great friends and have loved being so close to adams family.  i am in shock that we are really moving!

my mind can't quite get that i am going to be a stay at home mom!  I'm excited but nervous about so many things.  im excited about being able to spend more time with my little guy.. but im nervous about losing my mind!  i know how crazy the day to day mommy thing is, even with working 20 hours a week.  but im excited to see how i feel about not having to spread myself out so thin with worrying about taking care of a home, a child and work, and just focusing on our little family.  im worried about adam missing being able to spend time with wellington.. they always have so much fun having that one on one time when im gone.  but heres to going with the spirit and what we feel is the right move for us. im walking by faith here, and ive never felt so blind.  im crazy excited about what the future holds for us.

1 comment:

Annelise said...

So fun! Moving is nerve wracking! I feel so unsettled right now not really knowing what to expect! Good luck in Colorado!