Monday, May 19, 2008

Cant sleep

I usually have no problem with sleeping at night. I went to bed at 11:30.. a little early for us.. however ever since my cat jumped onto our bed to cuddle with me I have not been able to go back to sleep... and that was about an hour ago at 5am.

I think I know why this all is happening! I am now back to taking Sunday naps since church starts at 9am instead of 1! Amazing... I think I should not be allowed to take naps anymore. Oh but I love them so much...


Katie said...

Totally hate church at 8:30, but LOVE being able to take a Sunday afternoon nap. It's amazing! You wake up and it's still 2 or 3! Don't take a nap today or you'll be up at 5 again!

jenn goodman said...

I looove your blog picture. So cute!

Adam - it's soo much fun to catch up on your family!

Hope all is well with you and your sweet wife! Can't wait to catch up on what you've been up to.

Jenny (Kuhn) Allen